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The Shadow Harvest: Pitted Edition

Secrets await those who know where to look...

A scant few nectaries, barely two pounds worth, were snatched from their branches at the opportune moment.  Like a bird of prey, you could say.  They never saw it coming.

The nectarine wine went into a one gallon jar in September 2018. There it sat, untouched, for 1.5 years.  I didn't forget about it, I swear!  It's just a pain in the butt to rack between one gallon jars and wastes quite a bit of prized liquid.  It sat for so long I thought it had gotten hazy with age.  Turns out that the jar had accumulated a grimy dust layer was all.

Eventually the aging process came to an unceremonious end during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.  With extra time on my hands, I bottled the concoction into seven half-size bottles and one full-sized bottle. It's "probably" about 13% ABV and is nearly as sharp as my ice apple wine.  The flavor in this one packs a PUNCH!  The nectarine flavor is out of control and tastes just like the real thing.  It's a dessert wine for sure and will only be cracked open during special occasions.

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